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All the latest from Team Tempo


Tempo and SFC Capital

Celebrations for Team Tempo: in partnership with advisor Laura Elvin from iusegenius, I'm thrilled to announce that we have successfully secured our pre-seed raise from SFC Capital. We are particularly grateful for the guidance and support provided by Ed Stevenson of SFC throughout this process and are looking forward to working with Jason Druker. 

Next, we move on to our first set of school pilots with our partner, The Education Space, which commences in early March. These pilots mark a significant step forward in validating Tempo Reading and demonstrating its potential to revolutionize reading and learning via Eye Tracking, Text Reveal, AI and neurocognitive entrainment. 

We anticipate expanding these efforts with additional partners joining the Tempo roll-out in the near future. 

A big shout out to my Co-Ceo Natalie Long, and tech partners L2labs OÜ for their invaluable support and effort.


The Science of Tempo Reading

“It has been my long-held theory that elite performers not only perform in the ‘zone’ but learn in the ‘zone’. Tempo Reading aims to help each student learn in their ‘zone’ by identifying their Optimum Tempo of Focus. Cutting edge neuroscience research is now supporting this unique feature.” CEO Tim Wilson 

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Ed Tech World Forum

Natalie and Tim were asked to present in front of 300 leading Ed-Tech delegates at the conference in Kensington, London. The feedback was beyond expectation and demonstrated the need for Tempo to solve the accelerating skim reading, attention span and reading crisis.

L2Labs Partnership

After successful testing of the Tempo proof of concept, we are pleased to annouce our technology strategic partnership with L2Labs. L2L are experts in facial recognition, eye-tracking and machine learning. 

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